Desktop Goose is an app made by Sam Chiet aka Samperson for Windows and Mac. Based on the Untitled Goose Game, the app adds a virtual goose on your computer or MacBook. This cute little goose spreads muds over your screen, drags memes and GIFs all over the apps. It can also steal your mouse cursor, honk, write notes, play video games with a buddy, and whatnot.

A cute and fun program, Desktop Goose is for anyone who wants a desktop companion, albeit one who’s a little mischievous. While not a full-blown game in itself, Desktop Goose acts as entertainment for the bored internet seeker. It also acts as a small distraction from the everyday grind of work, giving a little variance to the monotony. Q: How do I make the goose do xyz A: Most things about the goose are configurable in the goose.ini, alternatively if you are using Desktop Goose on MacOS you can configure the goose via Desktop Goose application. What operating systems are officially supported? A: Windows, MacOS, the next port in line is for the Samsung Smart Fridge:™️.

The goose walking all around the screen is pure fun and revives old memories back from the early 2000s. At the same time, it can cause a slight lag and get annoying over time. The various crazy elements added by the goose block your view too. Hence, you may eventually find the need to get rid of it.

That said, Desktop Goose for Windows PC and macOS is a standalone app that works without installation. Once you run it, the goose stays active all the time and there is no setting (in the menu or system tray) to temporarily disable it. You won’t find the option to uninstall the app either.

Desktop Goose Free Mac

Nevertheless, here’s how you can completely turn off desktop goose app on your PC or Mac.

How to Delete Desktop Goose

Method 1

On Windows

  1. Right-click the Windows taskbar and open the Task Manager.
  2. Navigate to Processes and look for “GooseDesktop” in the Apps section.
  3. Then right-click on the GooseDesktop app and select “End task”.

On Mac

Desktop Goose Free Mac
  1. Search for “Activity Monitor” using Spotlight on your Mac.
  2. In Activity Monitor, look for “Desktop Goose” under CPU > Process Name.
  3. Double-click on the desktop goose process.
  4. Click the “Quit” button. Hit Quit again to confirm and quit the process.

That’s it. The app will stop immediately and it won’t start forever unless you run or open it again.

Method 2 (Windows only)

Navigate to the directory where you extracted the apps’ zip. Then open the DesktopGoose folder and run the Windows batch file named “Close Goose.bat“. The app will instantly turn off.

If you want to start it again, simply run the file GooseDesktop.exe.

Desktop goose free mac

ALSO READ: How to move the taskbar back to the bottom on Windows 10

Desktop Goose Free Macbook

Method 3 (Both OS)

Desktop Goose neither installs on your system nor runs automatically during startup. As a result, you can shut down, restart or log out of your PC or Mac to close the app.

NOTE: None of the above methods will delete the app. They will rather stop desktop goose from running on your system. If you wish to delete the app, then simply move its folder to the Recycle Bin or Trash. Just make sure to stop the app before deleting it.

Is Desktop Goose a Virus?

Most users would certainly deem desktop goose as a virus if they find it running on a third-party computer. That’s because it sort of hijacks your system and populates the screen with some freaking unusual stuff. The truth, however, is that it is not a spyware or malware and is 100% safe to download.

Here’s a scan result from Kaspersky Internet Security showing no presence of threats.

To get Desktop Goose, just visit the site and download the app for your desired OS. Then extract the zip file to a folder and run the app.

ALSO READ: Play floating cloud game when you are offline on Google mobile search


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Support SamPerson, download the vanilla goose!

Download the Goose. Using mods requires downloading the vanilla goose first.

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Memes 😛

Notepad Packs 📋

Goose malware download

FAQs 🤔❓

A mod doesn’t appear to be working after I install it properly.

If your mod isn’t working, refer to this checklist to see what step might be missing:


  • Is on latest version of Desktop Goose
  • Mod DLL is in mods folder within its own folder
  • Config file has EnableMods=True
  • Save the config
  • Restart the program


Q: How do I uninstall the goose?A: Delete the DesktopGoose folder and all of its contents.

Q: Does Desktop Goose support more than one monitor?A: No, and it’s not planned at the moment. It works on one screen even if you have multiple monitors, and getting the goose to walk across screens is a whole thing.

Q: Will there be mod support on MacOS?A: This is not likely to happen soon

Q: How do I make the goose do xyzA: Most things about the goose are configurable in the goose.ini, alternatively if you are using Desktop Goose on MacOS you can configure the goose via Desktop Goose application.

Get Desktop Goose

Q. What operating systems are officially supported?A: Windows, MacOS, the next port in line is for the Samsung Smart Fridge:™️:

Desktop Goose Free Download For Mac

Q: Is the goose safe to run with video games?A: It depends, the goose biting the cursor may trigger anticheats in some multiplayer games. A community-maintained safety list is hosted here

Desktop Goose Free Mac Games

Q: How do I add custom text boxes, or images for the goose to drag?A: In the DesktopGoose folder, there is an “Assets” folder - Add your own text and image files to the proper Images/Memes and Text locations in there!

Desktop Goose Download Free Mac

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