All your notes, synced on all your devices. Get Simplenote now for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, or in your browser.

Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge releases, see the dev builds. Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation. At the top left of your screen, open the Apple menu ( ) 2. Select “About This Mac”. In the “Overview” tab, look for “Processor” or “Chip”. Check if it says “Intel”. Choose your download option based on the prossesor you have.

Use it everywhere

Notes stay updated across all your devices, automatically and in real time. There’s no “sync” button: It just works.

Stay organized

Add tags to find notes quickly with instant searching.

Work together

Simple Text Editor Windows

Share a to-do list, post some instructions, or publish your notes online.

Go back in time

Notes are backed up with every change, so you can see what you noted last week or last month.

Markdown support

Write, preview, and publish your notes in Markdown format.

It’s free

Apps, backups, syncing, sharing – it’s all completely free.

If you’re not using Simplenote, you’re missing out.


If you’re looking for a cross-platform note-taking tool with just enough frills, it’s hard to look beyond Simplenote.


If you want a truly distraction-free environment then you can’t do better than Simplenote for your note-taking needs.


Available on all your devices

Download Simplenote for any device and stay in sync – all the time, everywhere.

What Does SimpleText Mean?

SimpleText is a text editor made for the classic Mac OS operating system. It replaced simpler text editor programs made in the age of the command-line interface. A text editor program provides the capacity to edit, format and manipulate plain text.

Techopedia Explains SimpleText

As one of the various Mac OS text editors, SimpleText was a somewhat primitive text editor compared to successive tools used in today’s digital world. One apt comparison would be to Microsoft’s WordPad text editor, a generic and simple plain text editor that is still used, but only generally for specific low-level purposes, since other more robust word processing programs are common.

Simpletext Mac Download Full

Even the text editor itself has become somewhat obsolete, as users have moved from the classic desktop format to smart phones and mobile devices. Text editors like WordPad and SimpleText were made for use over desktop platforms. Now with the emergence of speech-to-text technology and mobile digital messaging, the classic text editor is becoming less of a common utility in the user’s taskbar.

SimpleText was bundled with Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9, but was replaced by TextEdit in Mac OS X.

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